Hamilton Perkins

Welcome: Students & Parents
to the 2024-2025 Academic Year
Student Success is our Ultimate Goal!
We will discuss Guidelines and Expectations for each Course, during the 1st week of Classes.
Click the Class/Information Links for additional details.
My Class Schedule for the 2nd Semester is:
1st Block: Sociology
3rd Block: Economics & Personal Finance
4th Block: Leadership
At River Mill Academy we are fully committed to service, so please contact me with questions and/or concerns.
I am available for interaction with students and parents via email at: [email protected].
Times of additional availability are: Mon.-Fri. 9:30 a.m. until 11:00 a.m.
“Education is not just the learning of facts. Education is also the process of training the mind to think.”
Hamilton Perkins is in his 22nd year at River Mill Academy, as a Psychology and Sociology Teacher.