The safety of our students is our utmost priority. Please be sure to take all precautions when dropping off or picking up your child in the car-rider line.
Car-rider procedures:
1. From Highway 87 (S. Main Street) turn onto Cheeks Lane.
2. Turn into the first entrance into RMA parking lot.
3. For the safety of our students and staff, please do not use your cell phone while in the car rider line.
4. Please display the card with your student(s) name(s) on the dashboard of your car. Our staff will call students by name during afternoon pickup.
5. Please pull your vehicle forward as much as possible to help aleviate traffic backing up on Highway 87 and Cheeks Lane.
6. Student drop off and pick up points are located between the High School Gym and the Middle School Gym. Drop off and Pick Up points will be marked with orange traffic cones.
7. Drivers will be instructed by school staff to pull forward to indicated stations when dropping off and picking up students. Students must exit the vehicle once traffic has stopped at a traffic cone.
8. School staff will be stationed at drop off and pick up points to assist students.
9. Continue on driveway past the Middle School Gym and exit back onto Cheeks Lane.
10. Car rider is one lane in the morning drop off and two lanes for afternoon pick up. Please use the shortest lane in the afternoon.
11. Please take into account weather and traffic conditions to ensure you arrive at school on time.