Mr. Dragon
9th Grade EnE
Computer Science
Mr. Dragon has been teaching at River Mill Academy for 20 years. Mr. Dragon is certified to teach Technology, Science, Math and Social Studies. He specializes in helping students develop to their fullest potential. With a dedicated approach to using hands-on teaching methods, Mr. Dragon encourages his students to use the skills they are learning in the real world.
TESTS: 25%
Mr. Dragon’s website:
Discovery Education:
Student Supplies:
Students are required to have each day:
- Paper (3 ring or notebook)
- Folder
- Pen/Pencil
- Laptop
Helpful to have:
Scissors, Glue, Tape, Markers, Highlighters
Classroom Rules:
The Golden Rule: No Talking While I’m Talking
- Do not get up without asking.
- Raise your hand to ask a Question
- Do not Shout
- No eating
- Ask to use the Bathroom
- Do not talk to students at other tables
- No Cell phones
- No Headphones
- No Sleeping
- Do not put your head down.
Cell Phone Policy:
- First Offense: Verbal Warning
- Second Offense: I will take your phone, place it on my desk, return it at the end of class, and contact parent.
- Third Offense: I will take your phone, assign lunch detention, and contact parent.
- Fourth and Up: I will take your phone, automatic write up and send it to an administrator. If applicable, athletic coaches will be contacted.
Late Work Policy
Homework/Classwork assignments assigned on Monday and Tuesday will be due at 8:00am on Wednesday. Homework/Classwork assignments assigned on Wednesday and Thursday will be due on Friday at 8:00am. Projects assigned during the week will be due on Monday at 8:00am from the following week. We will have either a Quiz or a Test every Friday of the semester. Ten points will be deducted each day from the student's work. After the third late day the assignment is an automatic and permanent zero. An example of the late work policy is below.
Assignments due Wednesday:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade assigned assigned 90 (after 8am) 80 70
Day(s) Late One (after 8am) Two Three
Assignments due Friday:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade assigned assigned 90 (next week) 80 (next week) 70 0 0
Day(s) Late (after 8am) One (next week)Two (next week)Three
Projects due Monday:
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Grade 90 (after 8am) 80 70 0 0
Day(s) Late One (after 8am) Two Three
When students are ABSENT:
- Students who are absent have three days from the day they were absent to turn in assignments that were assigned they day they were absent.
- Students should get any missed notes for lab members on the day they return to school.
- Students should ask teacher about the work they missed on the day they were absent. It is strongly recommended that students stay for after school tutoring to get caught up when they miss a day of school.
- If a student was present when the assignment was assigned and yet absent the day the assignment is due the student will still be held accountable for turning in his/her work.
- Students have the ability to send in assignments digitally using office 365 and are permitted send in work even if they are absent. Parents may e-mail me if a situation arises where the student is unable to send the assignment in via drop box.
- I will be entering assignments turned in on time, to Power School, from Monday - Friday so you can check for accurate grades on Friday from the week before. Assignments will be graded according to effort and the date they were turned in.