About Coach Cowland
My Name is Shanee Cowland. I grew up in London, England and graduated from the University of Liverpool for my Physics Degree in 1995 and my Masters Degree in Information Science in 1996.
I qualified as a teacher in the UK at the University of Cambridge in 2001 and taught in the UK before moving to the US in 2006. In the US I have taught at high school level, community college and vocational college as well as working at middle school. in 2017 I completed a second Masters degree in Educational Leadership at Indiana University.
I am married with one son and have two dogs; Chewie and Qi'ra.
I love football (soccer) and have been a supporter of Liverpool FC for just about as long as I can remember. My other great passion is Star Wars. Most days after school I can be found outside walking, playing with or training one (or both) of my dogs.
This is my fourth year teaching at Rivermill Academy. I have been teaching middle and high school students in North Carolina for over a decade and I admit to loving school. This year I am transitioning from STEM to Computer Science. In addition to teaching, I also sponsor the National Junior Honors Society.
With a strong foundation in science, I am a firm believer that its study helps people make logical and reasoned decision. To be able to evaluate information and data, not just in academic and scientific pursuits but in everyday decisions. For students who decide to follow a STEM career path, there are many career opportunities available to them in the Research Triangle.

My Educational Philosophy is this:
"Education is the Silver Bullet." It is the chance to break through barriers of gender, race, disability, and socio-economics.