This Week

Reading We will continue the American Government unit and emphasize
text features and understanding historical/technical/scientific passages.
This week: Our role in elections and getting the right to vote

American Government Unit Vocabulary democracy - a form of government in which every person contributes to every
decision made by the government
republic - a form of government in whic
h citizens elect other people to represent
them in the government's decision making
federalism - a system of government in which the national and state governments
share power over the people
federal - a system of government that divides the power between a central
government and the local governments beneath it
executive - the branch of government that makes sure the laws are carried out,
includes the President and Vice President
Constitution - the basic laws of a nation, state, or social group
Monarchy - a form of government with a king or queen as the head of government
amendment - an addition to a piece of legislation in order to improve it
freedom - the power to act, speak, or think however you want

enforce - to make sure people follow a rule or law
separation - the act of keeping things apart
branch - one of the three sections the government is divided into
legislative - the branch having the power to make laws; made up of the
House of Representatives and Senate
judicial - the Federal Court system headed by the Supreme Court; they ensure
laws comply with the Constitution
veto - the right or power of a president or governor to reject a bill that has been
passed by the legislature to prevent it from becoming a law
advisor - a person who gives advice
cabinet - a committee of advisors responsible for helping the president create
government policy
president - the elected leader of the government
nominate - to propose that someone would be the right person for a job
Vocab Words - Quiz TBA
justice - a judge on the Supreme Court
representative - an individual chosen to speak and vote on behalf of a group of people
candidate - a person who is being considered for a certain job
campaign - an organized effort to win an election
nominee - an individual who is formally suggested to run for a specific position
abolitionist - an individual who believed in ending slavery passive - allowing something to happen without any response or taking any action
humiliated - to feel very ashamed or foolish
consolation - something that consoles or comforts
revelation - a surprising fact that becomes known
pivotal - important --------------------------------------------

Math:  Module 4, Topic C - Comparing Fractions 
NC.4.NF.1 Explain why a fraction is equivalent to another fraction by using
area and length fraction models, with attention to how the number and size
of the parts differ even though the two fractions themselves are the same size.

Fractions Test: Thursday, February 6th
Students should continue to work on multiplication fact memorization.


Science:  Rocks & Minerals: Three types of Rocks


Reading Text Features caption - an explanation or description for a picture
diagram - a drawing or picture that shows how something works or shows the different parts of something using labels
glossary - a list of technical or special words and with their definitions in a book, usually found at the end of the book
graph - a drawing or diagram that visually shows how two or more pieces of information are related
heading - a word or phrase that is placed at the top of a piece of writing and gives it a title
index - an alphabetical list of specific information that can be found in a book and the page number to find it.  It is usually found at the end of a book.
nonfiction - writing that describes facts and real events; not fiction
photograph - a picture made by a camera
subheading - a title for a subdivision of a text
table of contents - a list of all the big topics or chapters in a book in the order they'll be presented

Reading Text Structures
Cause and Effect - a text structure in which an author explains causes, things that make other things happen, and effects, the things that happen as a result of causes
Compare and Contrast - a text structure in which an author explains how topics are similar
and different
Problem and Solution - a text structure in which an author explains a problem and how it was solved.
Sequence - a text structure in which authors tell about events in the order in which they happened.  It is also called "time order" or "chronological."
Description - a text structure in which an author tells about a topic and its characteristics with details and adjectives.
text structure - the way an author organizes information in a text.

Properties in Math
The associative property in mathematics states that when adding or multiplying numbers, the way they are grouped by brackets (parentheses) does not affect the sum or product.

The commutative property in mathematics applies to addition and multiplication. It states that:

  • Changing the order of terms in an expression does not change its value.
  • For addition: a + b = b + a
  • For multiplication: a * b = b * a
  • The property does not hold for subtraction and division.

The distributive property
According to the distributive property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.