We are continuing with our unit in Reading about Extreme Natural Disasters,
continuing with hurricanes this week.
Hurricanes Quiz: Friday, October 18
Unit Vocabulary words:
natural disaster - an event in nature that causes a lot of damage and often death
imminent - happening now
avoid - keep away from, stop oneself from doing
affect - make a difference to
havoc - a situation of confusion or destruction
debris - the things that are left when something is destroyed
magma - hot fluid or semifluid material below or within the earth's
crust from which lava and other igneous rock is formed on cooling
dimension - a measurable extent of some kind, such as length, depth or height
destructive - something that causes a lot of damage
forge - make or shape with heat or fire
century - 100 years
margins - edges or borders
billow - fill with air, smoke or steam
inactive - not active; not being used
extinct - no longer active
dormant - not active but able to become active
cinder - a small piece of partially burned coal or wood that has stopped giving off
flames but can still burn
summit - the highest point of a hill or mountain
epicenter - the part of the Earth's surface directly over where an earthquake
magnitude - a number that shows the strength of an earthquake
geographical - based on the physical characteristics of an area
tsunami - a long, high sea wave caused by a disturbance of some kind
engineers - people who design, build, or maintain engines, machines or public
Lesson 8 through 11
Vocabulary Quiz: REVISED - Tuesday, October 15th
fault - a break in the Earth's crust
plates - a large section of the Earth's surface that can move and cause
rare - not occurring very often
stresses - forces applied to rock or earth
offset - counteract something by having an opposite force or effect
immense - very large
seismograph - an instrument that measures and records details of earthquakes,
such as force and duration
churn - to move or cause to move about forcefully
resistant - not easily broken down
storm surge - rises in water levels because of a storm
absorb - to soak up; to drink in
excess - extra; too much of something
thaw - becoming liquid or soft as a result of warming
category - a class or division of people, or things based on shared characteristics
meteorologist - an expert in the study of meteorology; a weather forecaster
radiation - energy released in the form of particles or electromagnetic waves
Lessons 12 through 15
atmosphere - the whole mass of air that surrounds the Earth
evaporate - when a liquid changes into a gas
coastal - on the coast; on the edge of the country
inland - away from the coast; in the middle of the country
tropical - the part of the Earth's surface near the equator; characterized by a hot
slight - small in size
moderate - average in size
extreme - very great
extensive - large in size
catastrophic - causing a horrible disaster
forecast - a prediction of something
Next up: Wildfires
Math NC.4.OA.4 Find all factor pairs for whole numbers up to and including 50 to:
• Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors.
• Determine whether a given whole number is a multiple of a given one-digit number.
• Determine if the number is prime or composite.
Quiz: Friday, October 18th
Students should continue to work on multiplication fact memorization.
Science: Fossil unit
In-class project: "Be an Archaeologist: Cookie Dig"
In-class project: Making an Amber Fossil and a Cast Fossil
Open-Note Quiz: Wednesday, October 23rd
Hispanic Heritage Month: Continue learning about the country of El Salvador
Reading Text Structures
Cause and Effect - a text structure in which an author explains causes, things that make other things happen, and effects, the things that happen as a result of causes
Compare and Contrast - a text structure in which an author explains how topics are similar
and different
Problem and Solution - a text structure in which an author explains a problem and how it was solved.
Sequence - a text structure in which authors tell about events in the order in which they happened. It is also called "time order" or "chronological."
Description - a text structure in which an author tells about a topic and its characteristics with details and adjectives.
text structure - the way an author organizes information in a text.
Properties in Math
The associative property in mathematics states that when adding or multiplying numbers, the way they are grouped by brackets (parentheses) does not affect the sum or product.
The commutative property in mathematics applies to addition and multiplication. It states that:
- Changing the order of terms in an expression does not change its value.
- For addition: a + b = b + a
- For multiplication: a * b = b * a
- The property does not hold for subtraction and division.
The distributive property
According to the distributive property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together.