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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

River Mill Academy is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the parents of currently enrolled students. The Board is responsible for the legal and financial obligations of the school. The Board sets the general direction and policy of the school but does not manage it on a daily basis.

Board meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm and are open to the public. Meetings are held in the Media Center.

Regular Meeting Schedule

July 18, 2024  

  August 15, 2024  

  September 19, 2024  

  October 17, 2024  

  November 21, 2024  

  December 19, 2024  

  January 16, 2025   

February 20, 2025  

  March 20, 2025  

  April 17, 2025  

  May 15, 2025  

  June 19, 2025 

Board Documents:
Procedure for Conduct of the Meeting
Fundamentals of Parliamentary Procedure
Bylaws (Revision 4, approved August 15, 2013)

 Board of Directors 2024-2025
Brent Smith

Chairman -
Community Member Seat

[email protected]
Children at the school (current and graduates): Aydan and Kristen
Number of years at the school:  8 years
Previous commitments to RMA:  I served as an assistant varsity boys basketball coach for 8 years. I also served two terms on the Board of Directors.
Current occupation:  I am Parts Manager at Stearns Ford and a local Pastor.
What I specifically bring to the board:  I believe that as I've had the opportunity to work with parents and students in the local church, it helps me see how we as parents and educators play such a huge role in the growth of our kids today. Also, from the 18 years of working in the automotive industry, I have been able to hear people's problems and help come to a positive solution.
Comments:  I am so excited about the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors and coach here at River Mill Academy. It is so encouraging to see the hard work that our school is pursuing to achieve its goals. My family and I are thankful for the opportunity.
Mary Faucette

Parent Seat

[email protected]
Children at the school (current and graduates):  Berkley (attended through 8th grade), Linen (6th grade), and Jameson (2nd grade)
Number of years at the school:  10 years
Previous commitments to RMA:  I have chaperoned class field trips, donated snacks and supplies annually, helped with class activities, and supported PTT.
Current occupation:  Parks, Recreation, and Cultural Resources Director for the Town of Morrisville
What I specifically bring to the board:  I have eighteen years of experience as a Parks and Recreation professional. Serving in my various roles I have had the opportunity to lead community events, create a variety of activities and programs and I am a Past President of Alamance Arts, a past Board member for the Alamance Chamber, Alamance Arts, and former chair of S.A.F.E Kids of Alamance County. I value family time and strive to have an integrated work-life balance. I have an extensive background in sports. I have coaching experience with Graham Recreation & Parks and helped establish YBAC Hurricanes swim team. I lead with kindness and use a creative process. My children and all the children at RMA are our future, and I am excited to have the opportunity to support their learning process.
Comments:  My prayers were answered when Berkley's name was drawn in the lottery knowing she was accepted to attend RMA, and that her siblings would follow. The dedication the staff brings to the classroom is much appreciated. As a board member, I am excited to strengthen the support for the students, staff, and administration that they need to continue their pursuit of academic excellence.
Jesse Wood

Parent Seat

[email protected]
Children at the school (current and graduates):  Jase (2nd)
Number of years at the school: 6 years
Current occupation:  I received my Bachelors Degree in Textile and Mechanical Engineering and Master's Degree in Engineering and Applied Statistics from NC State University. After beginning my career at NC State as an adjunct lecturer, I choose to go into the public sector. I have been in the financial industry for the past 14 years. I currently work for Truist Financial as the Process Engineering and Optimization Director for Enterprise Technology and Operations.
What I specifically bring to the board:  I feel that my experience facilitating large scale programs and projects will help me serve on the Board of Directors to bring fact-based approaches targeted at measurable benefits to support the improvement of student, teacher/faculty, and parent experiences and improvement in school performance. I look forward to this opportunity to further invest in my boys and your children's educational experience.
Comments:  As a native of Alamance County and graduate of Southern Alamance High School, my wife (Vicki) and i have proudly chosen to invest in our community and raise our children in Snow Camp in the same faith-based way that we were raised. I have been blessed to have the opportunity to raise my two boys Jesse and Jase and see them thrive at River Mill Academy, inclusive of the pandemic. 
Jill Davis

Community Member Seat

[email protected]
Children at the school (current and graduates): Mattie (Class of 2021) and Sarah (8th)
Number of years at the school: 13 years
Previous commitments to RMA: I have been a volunteer at RMA since my oldest daughter started school here; I jumped right in to help however needed. I joined PTT that first year; my second year I was Vice President, the two years after that I was President. From 2016-2017 I served on the Board in a Parent Seat and was Board Secretary; from 2017-2019, from 2019 to present, I served on the Board in a Community Member Seat and as Board Secretary; I have served on various committees while being on the board. I continue to be involved with PTT and volunteer when able at RMA events.  I enjoy being on the Board and serving the students, families, faculty, and staff of River Mill Academy.
Current occupation: Executive Assistant to Dean Martin Brinkley at UNC Chapel Hill School of Law.
What I specifically bring to the board: I have always had a heart for helping others. I have had the opportunity over the past several years to get to know other parents, students, faculty, and staff here and I will be able to make sound decisions that will benefit everyone involved. As a committed parent to wanting the best for my children, their peers, faculty and staff, I will strive to do what is best for everyone at the school.
Comments: I appreciate my children having the opportunity to attend River Mill Academy and all it offers. I have watched my children grow into responsible young women. My oldest daughter graduated in 2021; she currently attends Alamance Community College majoring in business. I feel everything she learned here at RMA prepared her for college life. The parent involvement in this school is amazing and encouraging to me; I look forward to serving the parents, families, faculty, and staff of River Mill Academy for many years to come.
James Penrod

Parent Seat

[email protected] 
Children at the school (current and graduates): James (10th) and Jared (graduate)
Number of years at the school: 10 years
Previous commitments to RMA:  Served as a parent board member seat for the last 5 years. Through Covid. I have chaperoned several trips, volunteered several times in the classrooms, helped anywhere I have been needed. My wife (Laura) and i have been active in the athletics programs. We have tried to get to know our teachers so that we could support them any way needed throughout the year. We have also tried to support as many of the events / fundraisers possible and of course many times over at the school enjoying lunch.
Current Occupation:  Vice President, Primerica Financial Services
What I specifically bring to the board:  I have served on the school improvement board at a previous school, I have served on the leadership board of two different churches, currently I am the financial chair of our church. I have run a successful financial services business for over 25 years helping many families reach financial independence. Both of my parents were educators and having two boys at RMA both of the National Honor Societies, I feel very vested in making sure the school continues to brow and develop well rounded citizens that have the foundation to be successful in life. This is the next generation!
Comments:  We had experiences at three other schools before we found and got into RMA, so we know how SPECIAL River Mill's culture is and want to protect and grow that environment. Every time I talk to other parents outside of RMA about their child's education experience, I am reminded how wonderful and blessed we are here in Jaguar country, and this is a small way I can give back. 
Kenny Risen
Community Member Seat

Children at the school (current and graduates:  Kaleb and Colton Risen
Number of years at the school:  8 years
Previous commitments to RMA: 
I have served as the physical education and health education teacher at RMA from 2011-2019. In addition to my role as a classroom teacher, I have served in several other roles for the school including:  middle school softball coach, varsity cross country coach, varsity men’s soccer coach, varsity women’s soccer coach, substitute bus driver, substitute athletic director for basketball season, MORP and high school prom chaperone, and general jack of all trades and volunteer for our school community.  
Current occupation:   As of June 1, 2019, I am now employed as the lead Project Manager with Oakwood Homes. I have been able to continue with my role as the RMA varsity men’s soccer coach as well.
What I specifically bring to the board:   I received my undergraduate degree in K-12 health and physical education with a minor in psychology from Appalachian State University in 1999. I have devoted the past 8 years of my teaching career to RMA. As a previous employee of RMA, I bring a dual understanding and point of view as both an employee and parent of children who attend RMA. I can provide insight into the culture of both our student population and our school staff. I have built relationships with our students and staff that I feel I can bridge with my role on the Board of Directors to achieve our school’s goals and visions.
Comments:   Sometimes opportunity arrives when you are least expecting it. My new job was certainly unexpected and making the decision to leave my RMA family was extremely difficult. I am dedicated to the success of RMA and I look forward to the opportunity to continue to support and be a part of an organization that I believe in.
Efren Saenz, Jr.

Board Member-Parent Seat

[email protected]

 Children at the school (current and graduates):  Ava (12th) and Harrison (9th) 
Number of years at the school: 12
Current Occupation:  Outside Sales for Talbert Building Supply
Previous commitments to RMA:  Two years as the Middle School baseball coach and am currently the High School baseball coach
What I specifically bring to the board:  We have two children here who have both started in kindergarten and we have been a part of this school community for nearly 12 years. I have seen it grown and its rewards and challenges. From academic, arts and athletic clubs and teams I have first-hand knowledge of the rewarding aspect of being involved with these programs and their needs. I'll be an advocate for helping grow and expand all programs for the betterment of all.
Comments:  I appreciate the opportunity and look forward to working to help promote the school, staff, and most importantly the students in all of their endeavors.
Mike Wilson

Board Member-Parent Seat

[email protected]
Children at the school (current and graduates): Gracie and Emma
Number of years at the school:  6
Current occupation:  Store Manager, Food Lion, LLC
Previous commitments to RMA:  I serve on the Board of Directors in a Parent Seat and as the committee chair for the Lunch and Extra-Curricular/After School committees. I am a very active volunteer at River Mill Academy every week helping in the cafeteria. You may have heard your children refer to me as "Mr. Food Lion." Not only do my wife Tracy and I volunteer with our children's classroom teachers, but we also support all areas of River Mill Academy whether it is the library, athletics, band, or the PTT.
What I specifically bring to the board:  I am a veteran of the United States Marine Corp. I serve on the disabled Veterans Business Resource Group. I have been a store manager with Food Lion for 11 years and have been awarded the Manager of the Year twice by my peers. I am personally vested in the development of young adults at River Mill Academy. Many of our high school students and graduates receive their first taste of work experience with us at Food Lion. My wife and I are active in the local community as well - working with the children's ministry at Trinity Worship Center where we do children check-ins for TWC Kids and I am also the Small Group Leader for Third Grade Boys. We are also involved in local charitable events as well. As the store manager, I have established working relationships with regulatory inspectors and vendors.
Comments:  There is a value that I personally can bring to the Board from a business aspect but more importantly from a people standpoint, I truly believe in the power of conversation. Past experiences in a team setting and being involved in complex decisions is where I operate on a daily basis. Our community has been great to my family, and I want to invest more of my time into the future service of our school and its children.