Phase I: College Access Program
The Elon Academy College Access Program is our original high school
program. Each year a new cohort of about 25 ninth graders is selected to
join the Academy. The year-round program combines three intensive
4-week residential experiences at Elon prior to the sophomore, junior,
and senior years as well as a monthly Saturday Academy during the
academic year. During the month-long residential summer program scholars
choose from a variety of academic classes along with challenging
curricular, co-curricular, and cultural experiences as well as
leadership opportunities, service projects, and college planning and
college visits. The residential component of the program mirrors college
life, providing exposure to disciplines not typically found in the high
school curriculum. All classes integrate reading, writing, speaking,
and critical thinking skills and emphasize collaborative,
organizational, study, and time management skills to increase potential
for success in both high school and college. Elon University students
live in the residence halls and serve as teaching assistants and
mentors. University faculty and high school teachers teach classes.
Local businesses provide paid internships for many of our scholars
during the second half of the summer and during the school year.
The year-round program includes a monthly Saturday Academy that
includes SAT preparation, college selection, essay writing, and college,
grant, and scholarship information and guidance. Family involvement is
crucial, therefore we offer parallel programs for family members on
alternate Saturdays. During the academic year every sophomore and junior
scholar is engaged in a year-long “Inquiry Project” (IP) of their
choice that culminates in a presentation, performance, or product that
is shared with a relevant, authentic audience.
Each year scholars are assigned to a College Access Team (CAT) Mentor
(Elon University students who have been trained by our staff) who meets
with them face-to-face and virtually to answer questions and provide
support and encouragement between Saturday programs. We advise our
scholars to take a rigorous high school curriculum including honors and
AP classes. To ensure success we provide Elon University Academic
Coaches (at no cost) on an as-needed basis. Counseling services and
referrals to community agencies are available to both scholars and their
families. Transportation for scholars and families is provided, on
request, for all activities to remove any barriers to participation.
Phase II: Transitions to College Program
The Elon Academy Transitions to College Program, started summer 2010,
supports graduating scholars’ transitions to college with an intensive
three-day summer retreat, family workshop and celebration.
Phase III: College Success Program
The Elon Academy College Success Program, started fall 2010, is
designed to ensure college completion for scholars once they enter
college. In this phase of the program, Academy staff visit scholars on
their campuses to provide scholars and families with academic, social,
and mentoring/advising support, as well as assistance in securing
additional financial aid.
Phase IV: Alumni Program
The Elon Academy Alumni Program started summer 2011, provides a network
of support to Academy graduates and their families throughout their
college years and beyond. Through the Peer Leader Program Academy alumni
return to the campus and the community to inspire and support Elon
Academy and other high school students who dream of a college education.
Currently the Academy serves 133 scholars (62 in college and 71 in high
school) and approximately 350 family members. Our scholars, who are now
freshmen, sophomore, and juniors in college, have been awarded more
than $2 million in merit-based aid. Two of our graduates have been
awarded Gates-Millennium Scholarships. Overall, 88% of scholars who
begin the high school program remain in the program for the three years.
Of those who complete the program 100% are accepted into college.
Over the past six years we have developed a more complex and nuanced
understanding of challenges faced by limited-income, first-generation
college students. We have also learned how powerful “near-peers”
(students who are slightly older than their mentees and represent the
high school and college students our scholars aspire to become) can be
in supporting our scholars to ensure that their dreams of a college
education are realized. In the Academy we have developed four year-round
coaching/mentoring programs.