Third Grade Supply List 2024-2025
1 Book Bag
4 Composition Notebooks
1 Package of #2 Sharpened Pencils
1 Package of Crayons
1 Package of Markers
1 Package of Highlighters
1 Clipboard
1 Five Star® Plastic Folder with Prongs (Green is Preferred)
1 Plastic Two Pocket Folder
1Box of Facial Tissues
1Pair of Scissors
1 Package of Glue Sticks
1 Package of Expo® Markers (Black Only)
1 Package of Index Cards
1 Pair of Earbuds/Headphones (No Bluetooth)
1 Pencil Pouch or Pencil Box
1 Recorder for Music Class (Available at Music Stores or on Amazon)
Art Supplies 2024-2025
Please write your child’s name on each item for their art bag.
1 Box of Prang® or Crayola® 8 Color Watercolors
1 Box of Crayola ® Basics Washable Markers (8 or 12 colors) Regular Size – no fine points or scented markers please
2 Elmer’s ® Glue Sticks
6 #2 Pencils, Sharpened
1 Large Rubber Eraser
1 Large (gallon-size) zippered fabric or heavy-duty plastic bag to store all art supplies. Please do not buy the plastic boxes because they do not hold up to the wear and tear.
Wish List 2024-2025
Scan the QR Code below to see our Amazon Wish List! Items do not need to be purchased from Amazon. Any classroom donations are greatly appreciated.

-Playground Balls/Equipment
-Individually Wrapped Candy
-Ziploc Bags
-Sticky Notes
-Gift Cards- Amazon, Walmart, Dollar Tree, Hobby Lobby
Fifth Grade Supply List 2023-2024
1 Zippered Pencil Pouch
2 Packages of 100 3x5 Index Cards
2 Packages of Wide-Ruled Filler Notebook Paper
12 Sharpened #2 Pencils
1 Package of Crayola® Twistables Colored Pencils (8-count or larger)
1 Mead® One Inch Binder
4 Composition Notebooks
1 Mead® Red Plastic Folder with Pockets (Daily Work folder)
1 Mead® Green Plastic Folder with Pockets (Friday folder)
1 Mead® Yellow Plastic Folder with Pockets (Small Group folder)
2 Red Pens
2 Highlighters
1 Ruler
1 Pair of Scissors
2 Packages of Glue Sticks
2 EXPO Fine Tip Dry-Erase Markers
1 Ream of White Copy Paper
2 Boxes of Facial Tissues
1 Roll of Paper Towels
1 Recorder for Music Class (Available at Music Stores or on Amazon)
Art Supplies for Fifth Grade 2023-2024
Please write your child’s name on each item for their art bag.
1 Box of Prang® or Crayola® 8 Color Watercolors
1 Box of Crayola ® Basics Washable Markers (8 or 12 colors) Regular Size – no fine points or scented markers please
2 Elmer’s ® Glue Sticks
6 #2 Pencils, Sharpened
1 Large Rubber Eraser
1 Large (gallon-size) zippered fabric or heavy-duty plastic bag to store all art supplies. Please do not buy the plastic boxes because they do not hold up to the wear and tear.
Fourth Grade Supply List 2022-2023
ALL students are required to have mastered their multiplication facts (0-12) by August 10, 2022.
1 ruler
2 packages of Glue sticks
1 package of Highlighters
1 package of pencil top erasers
1 package of EXPO fine tip dry-erase markers
1 package of EXPO chisel tip dry-erase markers
1 package of Red pens for checking
1 Zippered Pencil Pouch
4 packages of filler notebook paper
24 sharpened #2 pencils (NOT mechanical)
6 composition notebooks (NOT spiral notebooks)
1 Package of Crayola® Twistables colored pencils (8-count or larger)
1 Mead® red plastic folder with pockets (Class work folder)
1 Mead® green plastic folder with pockets (Friday folder)
1 Mead® yellow plastic folder with pockets (Small Group folder)
1 Pair Fiskars® scissors for the classroom
Art Supplies for Fourth Grade 2022-2023
Please write your child’s name on each item for their art bag.
1 Box of Prang® or Crayola® 8 color watercolors
1 Box of Crayola ® Basics Washable markers (8 or 12 colors) Regular Size – no fine points or scented markers please
2 Elmer’s ® glue sticks
6 #2 pencils, sharpened
1 Large rubber eraser
1 Large (gallon-size) zippered fabric or heavy-duty plastic bag to store all art supplies.
Please do not buy the plastic boxes because they do not hold up to the wear and tear.