Chelsea Murray

Welcome to Mrs. Murray's Kindergarten Class!!

[email protected]


  • Homework packets are due on Friday's; new take home books are due each week as well. 
  • Reading intervention practice packets: practice 2-3 times each week to meet end of year goals. These have instructions and goals stapled to the front and are there to work on for Feb/Mar/April. 
**Please remember that PE is on Wednesday-kids must wear tennis shoes.
**Library is Friday-all books are due that day.

What we are learning next week:
Math: Number bonds, parts and whole of a problem
Reading: Community Helpers & Valentine's day read aloud 
Writing: Informational writing, Independently writing a sentence about a topic, work on sounding out words
Phonics:  Short A, I, O review , test Friday  
Sight words to know: the, I, a, is, and, as, said, to, do, of, see, like, he, be, me, from, look, book, are, was, you, what, have 

Upcoming dates:  
February 6th- Progress reports go home, please sign and return when finished. If you did not receive one there is a fee that's due.  
February 14th- Valentine's party ❤️(please address Valentine's with who they're from only, if you signed up for an item send it in by Friday morning)
March 7th- Optional workday 
March 13th-14th- Early release/Report card conferences
April 18-27th-Spring break (no school)

Needed classroom items: 
Expo markers, baby wipes 🙂

~Scholastic book order forms 
Class code is MC2PY. Online orders are due February 28th. 

~Classroom Amazon Wish List: 

Classroom information:


Please make sure to turn in all forms as soon as possible so that we can put together a contact log. I also send out weekly emails and will need your email address as well.  Email is the BEST way to reach me. I check it regularly and use it to keep you guys updated on what is happening in our class each week.  If your information changes at any point during the year, please send the new info in your child’s homework/take home folder.


Your child will bring home a folder each day. This will hold papers that need to go home, any completed class work, money to turn in/permission slips, notes, behavior info, etc. Please check the folder and return it to school daily.


If you are sending money, it will need to be in a sealed envelope or plastic baggie labeled with your child’s name and what the money is for. Place all money inside your child’s take-home folder to be returned daily. Please do not send any loose money to school with your child.


Your child may bring a water bottle to use at lunch. We will use the water fountains during bathroom breaks and after recess/PE.  Please make sure it is only water that is put into the bottle. NO Gatorade and flavored drinks/water.


Our lunch will be from 10:50 to 11:15 each day. All online lunch orders are due by Thursday for the following week. If your child is not ordering a school lunch, please be sure to send a packed lunch each day. No outside food is allowed or to be dropped off at any time (ex: Wendy’s, McDonald’s, Chick-fil-A, etc.) Parents are not allowed to come and eat lunch with their child at this time.


The dress code is listed in the school handbook. However, I wanted to mention a few that applied to Kindergarten…

-All shorts and dresses must be fingertip length.

-Any holes in jeans or shorts must be below the fingertip.

-If your child wears leggings, make sure their bottoms are fully covered.

-No biker shorts or spandex.

-Tank tops must be at least 2 adult fingers wide.


As you are purchasing supplies for this school year, don’t forget to grab a pair of headphones (not ear buds)😊. Students will need these for assessments and centers.


Snack time will be each afternoon at 2:00. If you send a snack in your child’s lunchbox, please make sure they know what it is. We have had incidences where they accidentally eat their snack during lunch and then don’t have anything for later in the day. Snack ideas include chips, yogurts, fruit cups, Jell-O, crackers, water, juice, etc. Please don’t send sodas or candy. This will need to just be a quick snack for them to eat as they pack up for the day.  


            Monday: 9:30-10:00 Art

            Tuesday: 9:30 to 10:00 Music

            Wednesday: 9:30 to 10:00 PE

            Thursday: 9:30 to 10:00 Spanish

             Friday: 11:15-12:00 Media

  • Please make sure that your child wears tennis shoes on PE days. We do have recess each day from 10-10:30 and SUGGEST that they wear appropriate shoes for that as well. Please avoid flip flops or high heels.


All students will need a change of clothes to keep in their bookbag.  In case of an accident, I will let you know if a new pair of clothes is needed and send the used pair home in their bookbag. Clothes should include a shirt, pants/shorts, underwear, and socks.  


This year we will be using an app called “Class Dojo” to track behavior. Students earn points for positive choices and lose points for negative. You will receive a notification each time your child earns, or loses, a point along with a brief description of what they did.  If your child loses a point and I feel that more detail is needed on the incident (other than the description given) I will contact you through Dojo or a note in their folder.  You may also contact me via Class Dojo, but be aware that my response time may not be immediate.  You will receive a separate letter with your child’s login/password for the app. Please set those up as soon as possible.😊

The goal for each day is to earn 5 points to go to the prize box or get candy.


As the year gets started, it is important to establish rules and procedures within the classroom.  In order to do that, we must work together to know that students know what is expected and what is and isn’t acceptable behavior at school.  No day will be perfect, but please know that I always have your child’s best interest at hand.  When they are here, I will love them like my own and treat them like my own. There will be days they love me and days they might not like me so much, and that’s ok.  I’m here to help them learn, grow, and become the best person they can be.

            I’m looking forward to getting to know, not only your kiddos, but you as well.  Hopefully, by the year’s end, we will all feel like family.


Mrs. Murray & Mrs. Fuentes