Course Description•
This class is a continued study into the field of psychology.
•The course will examine such topics as perception, personality, development, and the learning process.
•The course will also examine the dynamics of human behavior as it is influenced by cultural and social stimuli.
•Students will also be exposed to additional techniques used for managing stress, reducing anxiety, achieving self-control, and developing character.
Materials Needed by the Student
2 Spiral Notebooks, 1 Binder or Composition Book, Pens & Pencils
Grading Scale & Grading Policy
A – 90 to 100 B – 80 to 89 C – 70 to 79 D – 60 to 69 F – 59 & Below
Numerical Grades will be given for all Tests and Projects. (50% of total grade)
These grades will be weighted equally. These grades will determine your classroom average.
Homework will count for 25% of the total grade.
Late homework will be accepted for 3 days.
Classwork will count for 25% of the total grade.
(Participation, Analysis, Proper Focus, etc.)
Note: Grades are necessary to evaluate your comprehension of the materials covered in class.
Excused Absences & Suspensions Tests & Homework:
Day out Prior – 1 Day to Complete.
Out on Test Day – Take Next Day
Excused Absences - Projects & Presentations:
Due on the day of your return. 10 points will be deducted for each day you are late.
Unexcused Absences - Projects & Presentations:
Due on the day of your return. 10 points will be deducted for each day you are late.
Unexcused Absences - Tests & Homework:
Tests will be taken and homework will be due on the day of your return to school.
Cheating will result in a disciplinary referral to River Mill Administration.
Final Exams - There will be a Final Exam.
(Students may opt out of the Final Exam if they have both of the following criteria: Their overall average for the course is 90 or above. They also have less than four absences for the semester.)
Contact Information
I want each of you to have a very successful year! Please contact me, if you have any questions or concerns about anything! My email address is
[email protected]