Most Recent projects will appear below. Scroll down to see past projects. Students will also receive a weekly participation grade for class participation and conduct.
In addition to the primary projects posted to this page, we will be completing in class mini projects and practice exercises that will be part of your daily participation grade. You will see those smaller projects and assignments listed in Powerschool.
The Sketchbook & Visual Journal Project will be an ongoing semester long project in addition to other projects. See sketchbook project details below.

Watercolor Painting Project
Due Monday Feb. 10th

Students will complete a watercolor painting using the techniques we discussed in class.
Project Details:
- Must complete an entire watercolor composition using the techniques we discussed in class
- Student must use at least 2 of the techniques we discussed in their painting (wet in wet blending, wet on dry, sgraffitto, etc.)
- Subject matter of painting can be free choice but must be approved by the teacher
- Using additional media is permitted as long as it works well with watercolor, such as ink or pencil
- Grading rubric will be listed in project description in Powerschool and also will be discussed in class
- Be creative and don't be afraid to experiment to create an interest in your piece.
Intro to Printmaking - Classroom mini-projects
Jan 22-30
We will be doing some daily class exercises in our journals and a collagraph print study. This will be part of your daily grade.
Neurographic Drawing Project
Due Tuesday, January 21

Students will complete a free form abstract neurographic design as demonstrated in class by the teacher
Project details:
- Initial design will be sketched out in pencil, then covered with permanent marker
- Project will need to be finished in color using either colored pencil, marker, or watercolor
- Teacher will demonstrate how the process works, but the final design is up to you