Kim Braxton

Kim Braxton
4th Grade

Methods of Communication
Class DoJo
phone:  RMA main line @ 336-229-0909
email: [email protected]

fall bison

Student Progress - PowerSchool
Please remember that you can monitor your student's grades via PowerSchool.  If you need a log-in, please let me know.

Picture Make-Up Day - September 26th
Our Make-Up Picture Day for Fall/Yearbook pictures will be September 26th.  Students who were absent from school on 9/12 can have their photographs taken that morning.

No School -October 11th
There will be no school on Friday, October 11th, which is an optional teacher workday.

Early Release and Face-to-Face - October 17-18
This fall's Face-to-Face conferences will be held in the afternoon on October 17 and 18.  Each of these dates is an early-release day.  Students will be dismissed by 11:30.  Busses will run on their regular routes leaving the school around 11:30.  There will be no RMA afterschool available these afternoons. 

There will be both an in-person and by-telephone option available.  A Sign-Up Genius will be sent to parents closer to the time of the conferences in order to register for a conference time.

Class Happenings
Please use the "This Week" tab to learn what students will be learning this week.  I will list the math standards there that we are covering as well as list any quizzes or tests being given this week.

Multiplication Tables
Please help your student with learning their multiplication tables.  Their fluent knowledge of multiplication facts will make all the difference for them in Math class this year. 

New Lunch Ordering System
There will be a new lunch ordering system used this year, MealManage.  If you would like for your student to have hot lunch this year, you will need to set-up an account with this new system.  Use this link for more information:  New Lunch Order System - River Mill Academy (

Vision Concerns
Fourth grade is often when students develop a need for eye glasses.  Students may have trouble seeing the board when they may not have had trouble with this last year.  Please discuss with your student how they are doing with their vision this year.  There are only so many seats "near the board" and they fill quickly.  Thank you for your help with this.

The "This Week" Tab on this Website
The "This Week" tab here lists the content being covered in class during the week, including any scheduled tests.  Please check here each Monday for information about class content for the week.  

School Illness
Given the opportunity for illness at school, including the stomach flu and other viruses, if your student is not feeling well, please keep them at home.  School policy requires that a student be fever-free for 24 hours before returning to school.  Students with a fever of 99.4 or greater may be sent home at the direction of the school nurse, Mrs. Coble.  Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

Student Absences and Tardies
When your student is absent from school, please send a note detailing the reason for their absence so that I may correctly mark attendance each day.  Please also know that tardies are recorded the morning the student is late.  Upon receiving 3 tardies, I will send a reminder email.  If a student has been tardy 5 times, Mrs. Bradshaw will send a letter home.  Ten tardies will result in a day of suspension from school.  Please work to consistently arrive at school on time.

"Sign and Return" on Student Assessments
To ensure that parents are seeing their student's grades on assessments, in 4th grade I ask that parents please sign and return all assessments (they will be stamped for your signature) in the student's Communication folder when they return to school the next morning.  Thank you for your help with this!