Most Recent projects will appear at top of the project list below. Scroll down to see past projects.
In addition to more involved projects posted to this page, we will be completing in class mini projects as well that will not be listed here and students will receive a grade for these as well.
Current project listed below. We will complete several mini classroom exercises each week as well and several of these will be part of your daily participation grade. You can see those classroom projects and grades in Powerschool.
Semester long Visual Journal Project - Ongoing
Pages of your journal and your progress will be graded until you complete all pages for a final grade. This ongoing project will be done in between our other classroom exercises and projects.
See details below.
Neurographic Abstract Drawing Project
Due Tuesday, January 21st
- Students will complete a free form abstract neurographic design as demonstrated in class by the teacher
Project details:
- Initial design will be sketched out in pencil, then covered with permanent marker
- Project will need to be finished in color using either colored pencil, marker, or watercolor
- Teacher will demonstrate how the process works, but the final design is up to you