The PTT Texas Roadhouse gift card fundraiser begins November 8. The order form will go home with ALL students -so check those middle and high school bookbags!! Ten percent of sales will go to PTT. This is a great way to get some Christmas gift cards purchased AND give back to PTT. Or stock up for your own Texas Roadhouse nights! Texas Roadhouse is always SO good to our PTT and we are excited to be partnering with them for this fundraiser. Gift cards start out as low as $5 and go up to $100. Cash or check (made out to River Mill). This will end on November 25th. Turn in the order form with cash/checks and then we will process the orders and set up a time for gift cards to be picked up.
There are some great rewards the students can earn! The classroom with the highest total sales will receive a pizza party and the teacher will get duty free lunch!
Texas Roadhouse Gift Card Fundraiser Flyer