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Athletic Policies

Athletic Department
(Board Policy Approved 09/15/2022 Revision 7)

River Mill Academy students have the opportunity to participate on school sponsored athletic teams. Students participating in athletics are expected to maintain standards of conduct both on and off the athletic field. All students, regardless of age or grade, must maintain good grades to participate. Students who are involved in high school athletic teams must meet the standards of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.

The following North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) policies must be followed:

  1. A student must have passed a minimum of 75% of their classes from the previous semester. This policy applies to our middle as well.)
  2. The student must take a minimum academic load each semester (must be credited courses).
  3. The student must meet local promotional standards and any local GPA requirement. Local promotional standards can be found in the student handbook.
  4. The student will not turn 19 years of age on or before August 31st of the current year.
  5. The student cannot exceed four separate seasons in the same sport. 

Additional NCHSAA policies are found in the NCHSAA handbook, which can be found in the Athletic Director’s office.  Detailed information can also be found on the association's website www.nchsaa.org. We encourage student athletes and their parent/guardian to visit this site and become familiar with the regulations. 

The following policies are in place for River Mill Academy Middle and High School students:
  1. A student must have been in attendance for at least 85% of the previous semester.
  2. A student must be in school at least 50% of the school day to be eligible to participate in an athletic event scheduled for that day. A late arriving student in grades 6-11 must be in the building by 11:00 am until dismissal. A high school senior approved for early release must be in the building by 10:00 am until dismissal. Students leaving the building early for an excused reason are still required to be in school for 50% of the day. A school sponsored field trip does not affect participation status.
  3. Students may not practice or participate in athletic events while suspended from school.
  4. Student athletes receiving an overall grade below 70% will be required to attend tutoring by the teacher, as needed. The student may not participate in practice or athletic events until the next weekly grade check and the student has obtained an overall grade of 70% or above. A weekly grade report from each teacher will be emailed to the Athletic Director or his/her designee. The information is then given to the coach, by the Athletic Director, before the student athlete can return to practice and/or athletic event.
  5. The sportsmanship policy will be enforced. This policy can be found in the handbook and on the school website.
  6. Attendance at preseason meeting led by the Athletic Department is mandatory for any potential student athlete and a parent/guardian prior to participating in a sport. The meeting will be announced on the school website in addition to announcements at school.
Structure of the Athletic Department:
  1. The Athletic Directors are responsible for coaching assignments, processing background checks, budget projections, scheduling games, finding referees, bus drivers, ensuring academic eligibility, and keeping parents and players informed of events.
  2. The Principal must approve all activities and events before they are put into a schedule.
  3. The Athletic Directors will submit a budget projection to the Principal by May 1st of each year.
  4. Coaches are to contact the Athletic Directors with all requests such as uniforms, equipment, or any special requests.
  5. All equipment and uniforms purchased by River Mill Academy shall become the property of River Mill Academy and entrusted to the care of the Athletic Department.
How You Can Help:
Every year the Athletic Department needs talented, motivated individuals to help coach. Talk to the Athletic Directors to see where you can help. Be sure to participate in fundraisers sponsored by the Athletic Department or individual teams and attend athletic events showing support to our student athletes. 

Participation Fee:
The Athletic Department will charge a fee, per student, to participate in any school sponsored sport. The fee will be determined by the Athletic Directors upon completion of fundraising and budget determinations. The Registration Payment Form and other athletic associated documents can be found under the Athletics section of the River Mill Academy website at www.rivermill-academy.org. All fees owed to the school must be paid prior to the start of the first scheduled athletic contest for all in-season athletes.

Uniforms and Equipment:
Uniforms and equipment will be distributed to coaches at the start of each season. Each coach will be responsible for the distribution of uniforms and equipment. It is the responsibility of each coach to return all items received to the designated Athletic Director at the end of the sports season. Individual athletes will be held financially responsible for any uniform item or equipment not returned. 

In the event that a team would like to purchase supplemental uniforms or equipment (i.e. warmup suits, team sweatshirts, etc.) parents of the team are encouraged to coordinate with their team's head coach to set up individual team fundraising. All individual team fundraising requests must be submitted to the head coach in writing to the Athletic Director for approval prior to the anticipated start date.

Incident and Accident Procedures:
In the event of an incident or accident at an athletic event on or off campus, the supervising coach or RMA staff member must report said incident or accident to an RMA Administrator as soon as possible.

Multi-Sport Athletes:
Student athletes are permitted to participate in more than one (1) sport during the same season only if all coaches are in mutual agreement. All NCHSAA rules must be complied with.

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Important Information/Links:

Volunteer Coach Application