Earnest Paper Rubric


4 Points

3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

0 Point


Fully developed thesis clearly anchors the paper and provides a sense of purpose

Thesis is clear and shows an understanding of the topic at hand

Thesis is weak, vague, or too broad for a paper of this length

Thesis is only implied or very simplistic

No thesis presented, confusion about the purpose of paper is evident


Organization is sequential and logical; paragraphs are divided based upon ideas; transitions and links are smooth

Good organization of paragraphs with competent transitions

Limited organization; paragraphs stand isolated with weak or non-evident transitions

Little organization; weak paragraphs, with missing or illogical transitions

Paragraph structure does not exist, or is a single rambling paragraph, or a series of isolated paragraphs


Originality and depth of ideas fully supported with consistent evidence; ideas work as a unified whole; support is valid, specific, well chosen, and seamlessly integrated

Ideas are sufficiently supported; textual support is sound and valid; integration is sufficient

Main points are only indirectly supported; fair integration of text; support is loosely relevant to the main points, but isn’t specific or sufficient

Insufficient, non-specific, and/or irrelevant support with minimal interaction to the text

Clear absence of support of main points; no interaction of the text

Sentence Structure/Grammar

Rich and effective sentences; shows great control over variety of sentence styles and lengths; no grammatical errors

Effective and varied sentences; contains very few minor errors

Formulaic, repetitive, or tedious sentence patterns; shows some errors in grammar and sentence construction

Simple sentences used excessively or exclusively; multiple errors in grammar

Contains many serious and distracting sentence errors; lack of control over basic sentences

MLA Formatting & Citation/Assignment Requirements

Paper is in proper MLA formatting and style; no mistakes in citations; paper is within word count

Paper has minimal lapses in formatting/style, or has very minor errors in citations; within word count

Paper has multiple errors in formatting/style, or more serious errors in citation; paper may be within 100 words of word count

Paper has major errors in formatting/style or doesn’t use MLA citation; more than 100 words outside or word count

Paper is very poorly formatted or doesn’t include citations; more than 200 words outside of word count